Devi Puranam !! Glories of Goddess Sri Adi Shakthi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jai Ambey Ma !!

Srimad Devi Bhagavatham  - Maha Puranam was  composed by Maharishi Veda Vyasa, it contains 18000 verses into Twelve Skandhas describes  the glories of  ‘Divine Mother’.


The First Skandha - Chapter Seven of Srimad Devi Bhagavatham describes, Lord Brahma horrified at the harassment of two Danavas (Asuras) Madhu and Kaitaba, approaches Lord Vishnu who was in His Yoga Nidra (Cosmic sleep) in the Milky Ocean.  Lord Brahma prays to Goddess Nidra Devi (goddess of sleep) to reinstate Lord Vishnu from his Cosmic sleep.

Maharishi Veda Vyasa explains the ‘nature’ of Prakrit, Adi Maya, Sakthi , Bhavani etc. She is known as the Mother of the Universe and Goddess of Brahmanda.

·        She is Omnipresent
·        She is Omnipotent
·        She is Omniscient

Her endless forms are known in different names as Vaishnavi, Sankari, Brahmi, Vasavi, Varuni, Varahi, Nara Simhi, Mahalakshmi, Vedamatha…etc.  The sacred Veda and Upanishads describe Her as ‘Tejasvini’ (bright light).  She is beyond all three Gunas known as Rajass, Tamass and Swatik.  She  is the eventual provider of Sri - Wealth and Prosperity, Keerti – Fame,  Mathi – Intellect, Dhriti – Courage, Kshama – Patience, Kanti – exquisiteness, Sradhha – Concentration and Faith, Rathi – Sensual pleasures.  Her glories are boundless, even Brahma, Hari and Hara – the three entities of Creation, Preservation and Destruction, all the deities and Maharishis were not wholly realized her ‘Nature’.

Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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