Rishi Panchami !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Kashyapothri: Bharadhwajo Vishwamithrodha Gouthama:
Jamadagni: Vashishta cha Sapthaithey Rushaya: Smrutha:
Bhavisyothara Puranam – Hemadri Kandam describes the significance of Rishi Panchami and the importance of following austerities on this auspicious day.  Worship of Sapta Rishis – Sage Kashyapa, Sage Atri, Sage Bharadwaja, Sage Vishwamitra, Sage Gautama, Sage Jamadagni and Sage Vashishta along with Arundati ( wife of Sage Vashishta), fasting on this day, chanting and listening to the glories of Lord, remembrances of one’s Pitrus (forefathers) and follow strict austerities on this day brings abundance of pieties includes virtuous offspring and  ‘Salvation’ to forefathers from their sins committed.
Brighur Vashishta: Krathu Angira cha
Manu: Pulastya: Pulaha cha Gouthama:
Raibhyo Marichi: Chyavana cha Dhaksha:
Kurvanthu Sarvey Mama Suprabhatham
Sanath Kumara: Sanaka: Sanandhana:
Sanathanopyasuri Pingalou Cha
Sapthaswara: Saptha Rasathalani
Kurvanthu Sarvey Mama Suprabhatham
There was a Brahmin named Sumitra and his wife Jayashri lived in the city.  In all their life, Jayashri did not observe any of the rules prescribed or strictness should be observed during the time of menstruation.  (During these days, women have usually engrossed with the negative aura of Chandalini, Brahmadatini and washer women on these three consecutive days.  On the fourth day, after bath she is treated as purified.)  Jayashri used to cook food like any other normal days during these days of impurities and partaken food with her husband. In this manner they continued to live their life without following any austerities.   Years passed Sumitra had diminished his brilliance, intelligence and sharpness of mind etc…  Hence it is resulted in leading a dull life without any self-realization or God-realization.  The couple passed away as they grew older.  
As a Brahmin it was the responsibility of Sumitra to learn scriptures and sacred Vedas, teachings of the same and follow a righteous life as mentioned in the sacred texts.  Unfortunately, the Brahmin couple failed to do so.  They took rebirth as flesh eating animals for their sins committed in their previous life.  This couple took rebirth as carnivores and continued to live in the surrounding places of their home where his son Sumati and his wife Chandravali lived.   (The above mentioned facts reveals how the Karma (Past deeds) follows the human life and shape their re -births)   The parents of Sumati had to undergo all kinds of malice and ill treatment from their own son and daughter-in-law.  One day, the two carnivores were communicating each other about their pitiable state.  (There was a time; human beings were able to converse with all their fellow beings whether it was an animal or tree).  They lamented at their fate and repented at their previous act.  They remorsefully stated that the sin committed in their previous life was the only cause for their sufferings; all their past deeds propelled them to face maltreatment from their own son and daughter-in-law.  
Incidentally, Chandravali happened to overhear the distressed state of her parents in law and their conversation.  She immediately informed her husband about the wretched state of his parents.  Sumati was utterly traumatized at this and decided to find a solution for this serious issue. Sumati met Sage Sarvatapa and who was a Trikalajyani (one who knows the Past, Present and Future) from his invaluable advices Sumati understood the sins committed by his parents.  Sage Sarvatapa advised Sumati to follow strict austerities and fasting on the day of Rishi Panchami, perform rituals for forefathers, worship Sapatha Rishis with Arundati etc.. It would release his parents from the hellish torture.  Sumati and Chandravali faithfully observed Rishi Panchami fast, followed austerities, performed rituals and donated alms to Brahmin.  Thus, Sumati saved his parents from their carnivores’ life and they attained the highest of the piety - ‘Salvation’.
Karkodakasya Nagasya Damayanthya Nalasya cha
Rithuparnasya Rajarshey: Keerthanam kalinasanam


Jai Sriman Naryana !!

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