Pavitra Ekadashi/Pavitropana Ekadashi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Bhavishyottara Puranam describes the glories of Pavitra Ekadashi which falls on the waxing period of moon.  Lord Krishna explains the significance of Pavitra Ekadashi to King Yudhishtira.
Lord Krishna continued, the Pavitra Ekadashi is capabale to destroy all the sins committed in one’s life.  Listening to the glories of Pavitra Ekadashi would results in attaining the pieties of a Vachapeja Yagna.
In the beginning of Dwapara Yuga lived a King Mahajit, who was ruled the kingdom Mahismatipuri.  The king Mahajit had no offsprings for a longtime,  he was very  deeply discontented at this.  He was a righteous ruler treated the people of his kingdom very well.  He wisely ruled his Kingdom for the welfare and happiness of the people.  He earned his wealth in true ways, respected Brahmins and provided them with alms, worshipped all the deities and followed a righteous life.  
One day the King Mahajit invited the assembly of elderly scholars of Brahmins seeking advice for the reason for the lack of offspring’s and the austerities he had to follow for a virtuous child.  The Brahmin scholars discussed amongst them about the main concern of King Mahajit and decided to visit the great sages lived there to find a solution for the issue.   All the scholars set out to forest and started to visit hermitages of sages on their way.   Finally, they came across the hermitage of Sage Lomasa, who was a Trikala Gnani (knower of past, present and the future).   When   Lord Brahma finishes one Kalpa, Sage Lomasa’s one hair from his body would fall out; that’s how he has got the name Lomasa.  The Brahmin scholars sincerely paid their obeisance to Sage Lomasa and introduced themselves as the members of the assembly of King Mahajit.   The Brahmin Scholars explained the disheartening state of their king without any offspring’s and requested Sage Lomasa for the further opinion.
After listening to the Brahmins, Sage Lomasa engaged himself into deep meditation for a while.  As he was a Trikala Gnani, Sage could trace out the previous life of the King.  In his previous life the King was a Merchant from a poor family.   He had to travel from one village to another for his business purpose.  It was on midday of dwadashi, the merchant arrived in a place feeling thirsty and tired, there he found beautiful lake and also seen a cow with her new born occupied in drinking water from the lake.   The merchant due to his severe thirst drove off the cow and its baby from its place to quench his thirst.  It was the sin he had committed in his previous life and it became the cause for the great distress in his present life.
The scholarly Brahmins requested Sage Lomasa for an opinion, which could bring abundance of happiness and remove the distress in King’s life.   Sage Lomasa instructed the Brahmins about the significance of Pavitra Ekadashi and informed them to observe the auspicious Ekadashi which falls on the waxing period of the moon, along with their King.  Moreover, the pieties acquired by observing the Pavitra Ekadashi faithfully should give away to their King.  Thus, the King would be fortunate enough to have a virtuous offspring with all the piousness earned on this Pavitra Ekadashi. 
The Brahmin Scholars felt happy at the proposition of Sage Lomasa and returned to the palace after paying due respect and honor to the Sage.  In a little while they informed King Mahajit about the advices they had received from Sage Lomasa.  At last, the Pavitra Ekadashi arrived, the King and the Brahmin scholars observed the Ekadashi with utmost faith and devotion.  They also followed the instructions of Sage Lomasa dutifully.  In due course of time, the queen gave birth to a beautiful son.
Lord Krishna continued, whoever observes the Pavitra Ekadashi would attain happiness in the present life and the pieties earned would wash off their sins committed and provide salvation.  Whoever listens to the glories of Pavitra Ekadashi would avail the blessings of Lord; the childless couples attain virtuous offspring’s by observing this Ekadashi. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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