Trinity of Dakshina Bajana Sambradaya !! Jagadguru Sri Bodhendra Swamigal !! Part VII !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

During the regime of Nawab in Arcot, the entire state was affected with the epidemic - ‘Plague’.   At the time of outbreak of Plague Sri Bodhendra Swamigal was in Arcot.  Many lost their lives includes infants and elderly people.  At this heart breaking incident Sri Bodhendra Swamigal advised the residents to organize a mass prayer chanting Rama Nama that could only save them at this terrible moment.  The residents followed the instructions of Sri Bodhendra Swamigal the end result was everyone got recovered from this contagious disease without leaving any trace of it.  Nawab of Arcot was most pleased at the turn of events.  Later, he became one of the ardent followers of Sri Bodhendra Swamigal.  It is believed that Nawab of Arcot offered some piece of land to Mutt as a mark of gratitude to Sri Bodhendra Swamigal’s noble service.

Sri Bodhendra Swamigal continued his mission of spreading the Bakthi cult.  He arrived in a village called Thirugokarnam.  Sri Bodhendra Swamigal was engaged in spreading  Nama Bakthi to the group of people were assembled over there.  One ‘Dasi’  (There was a practice in olden days that the girls of tender age are offered to nearby temples, to take care of temple routine and cleaning jobs. They are restricted to live within the temple premises, entertaining the visitors of the temple.  They were totally unaware of the life out of the temple premises and were treated as outclassed)  woman came forward to Sri Bodhendra Swamigal seeking permission to join in their group for chanting Rama Nama.  Without any hesitation Sri Bodhendra Swamigal introduced her ‘Nama Bakthi’ and the significance of the same.  In those days, Saintly people were not allowed to see or speak to women.  Sri Bodhendra Swamigal did not bother about the sect, he treated everyone as equal and he believed that everyone has the right to worship Lord.  This incident created an ill feeling against Sri Bodhendra Swamigal by the villagers.  Sri Bodhendra Swamigal did not worry about the sharp criticism of the people of the village.  Immediately after completing his mission of spreading Nama Bakthi Sri Bodhendra Swamigal left the village.

The Dasi woman continued to chant Rama Nama sincerely as instructed by Sri Bodhendra Swamigal.  Sri Bodhendra Swamigal happened to be in the same village (Thirgokarnam) once again.  He realized that the Dasi woman had crossed chanting of several crores of Rama Nama during the period of his absence.  She came to know about the arrival of Sri Bodhendra Swamigal, she prostrated before Acharya and attained Samadhi.  Seeing this miraculous event, the villagers felt ashamed of their narrow mindedness. They prostrated before Sri Bodhendra Swamigal and begged for forgiveness.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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