Sri Adi Sankara Jayanthi on 26th April, 2012 !! Sri Sankara's meeting with Guru Govinda Bhagavadpadal !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Sri Adi Sankara continued his search for a Guru and travelled through the northern parts of India.  On the river banks of Narmada, He met with his Guru Govinda Bhagavadpadal disciple of Gaudapada.  The Master of Gurus, The Master of  Acharyas - Sri Sankara  -  the human form of  Lord Shiva in the form a young boy on this Earth,  despite having mastered  in all  the Sastras he resolved to seek advice from a Guru and  to acquire much wider knowledge  with the help of a Spiritual Master.

Sri Sankara continued his journey through the woodlands, enjoyed the cool breeze and felt relieved of the fatigue caused by long walks and found the abode of  Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal.  Sri Sankara praised the glory of the  Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal  as:  'Oh ! Master who have attained the highest spiritual realization   from Sri Gaudapada -  disciple of Suka charya who was the  son of Maharishi Veda Vyasa. I prostrate before you,  the repository of all virtues I have come to learn the Knowledge and  truth of the Supreme Brahman.'

Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal who was deeply immersed in meditation, instantly realized the presence of Sri Sankara and enquired 'Who are you?' . Sankara graciously answered to Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal ' Aham Ithi Brahmasmi '.    Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal deeply moved at the reply of Sri Sankara's spirit of non-dualistic consciousness.  Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal envisioned the young Sankara as the human form of  Lord Shiva on the  Earth .

Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal stretched out his legs and showed his feet to Sri Sankara.  Sankara worshipped his Guru’s  feet so  as to reveal the world about the  first and foremost duty of a disciple and humble service to Guru.   Govinda Bhagavadpadal imparted the knowledge to Sri Sankara Knowledge of Brahman through the four Mahavakyas and  Vedanta Sutras of  Maharishi Veda Vyasa - The Essence of Vedanta Philosophy . Within  a short period, Sankara  completed his studies from Sri Govinda Bhagavadpadal.  Finally, at the instruction of his  Guru, Sri Sankara moved towards Varanasi.  There Sri Sankara met with learned Scholars and with the blessings of them Sri Sankara wrote commentaries on the Brahma Sutras.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
courtsey: Madhaviya Sankara Vijayam

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