Varuthini Ekadashi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana!!

Bavishyothara Puranam describes the glory of Varuthini Ekadashi which falls on the wanning period of moon.  Lord Krishna explains to King Yudhishtira about the austerities should be followed on the day of Varuthini Ekadashi.

Lord Krishna narrates that the observer should strictly follow the austerities from the previous day of Ekadashi by consuming meal once and abstaining from all the sensual pleasures.  Moreover, the food consumed should be self-cooked in earthen pots. and consumption of meat, chickpeas, honey, spinach, dal should be strictly avoided.

On the day of Varuthini Ekadashi, the observer should not indulge in gambling, sleeping, tattletale or engage in any of the sinful deeds.  The observer should fast on this day, worship Lord Hari chanting His glories with utmost faith and devotion and keep awake in the night. On the day after Varuthini Ekadashi (Dwadashi) after ablutions and worship of Lord Hari with Bhog,  Dwadashi Parana should be followed within the specified time.

Lord Krishna continued, King Mandata and Dhuntumara were the strict followers of Ekadashi, which brought them the highest of the piety, freed them from the cycles of birth and death.   Observing the Varuthini Ekadashi brings the remarkable piousness known as 'Salvation'.  It also provides good fortune, perpetual happiness and eradicates all the sins committed.   One can achieve the merit,  that is equivalent to observing austerities for ten thousand years by observing Varuthini Ekadashi.  The piousness includes, donating 40 kilos of gold during the time of solar eclipse in the righteous land Kurukshetra.

Lord Krishna explains about the types of charities.  Donating an elephant is superior than donating a horse, donating a land is superior than donating an elephant, donating  sesame seeds are greater than  donating a piece of land, donating gold is greater than donating the sesame seeds, donating food grains is greater than donating gold.  Donating food grains earns the highest merit in the charities  which is equivalent to donating cows, by this act one can satisfy deities, forefathers and all the living entities.   Last but not the least giving knowledge to others is one of the most rewarding and highest among all the charities. 

Lord Krishna explains some of the heinous acts that mount up the sins are:  giving away  a girl child  in exchange of money  out of greed or for livelihood is the highest among the sins, the sinner of the above act born as cat in his/her next birth and the latter remains in  the hell until the total annihilation to the Universe takes place.   The parents who perform 'Kanya Dhanam' as per the prescribed rules and rituals attain the piety which is difficult to count or describe not even by Chitra Gupa, who is the chief in the ministry of Abode of Lord Yama.   Lord Krishna declared that by following Varuthini Ekadashi with utmost faith and devotion, one could attain all the devoutness.

Whoever reads or listens to the glories of Varuthini Ekadashi would attain the merit of donating one thousand cow and would be  freed from all the sins and attain the Abode of Lord Sri Hari. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


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