The Glory of Ekadashi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Ekadashi Vratam Nama
Sarva Kama Phala Pradam
Kartabyam Sarvada Viprair
Vishnu Prinana Karanam

The above line reveals the importance of Ekadashi Vrata and fasting on Ekadashi Days.  The Ekadashi Vrata could bring Everything in the life of worshipper whoever follows with utmost faith and devotion.  It brings Dharma (Righteousness), Kama (Desires), Artha (Knowledge about Self), Moksha (Salvation).

There are 26 Ekadashis in a Year and they are:

Utpanna Ekadashi, Moksada Ekadashi, Saphala Ekadashi, Putrada Ekadashi, Sattila Ekadashi, Jaya Ekadashi, Vijaya Ekadashi, Amalaki Ekadashi, Papamocani Ekadashi, Kamada Ekadashi, Varuthini Ekadashi, Mohini Ekadashi, Apara Ekadashi, Nirjala Ekadashi, Yogini Ekadashi, Sayana Ekadashi, Kamika Ekadashi, Pavitra Ekadashi, Annada Ekadashi, Parsva Ekadashi, Indira Ekadashi, Pasankusa Ekadashi, Rama Ekadashi, Utthana Ekadashi, Padmini Ekadashi and Parama Ekadashi.

Astai Tanyavrataghnani
Apo Mulam Phalam Payah
Havir Brahamana Kamya Cha
Guror Vachanam Aushadham

Worship of Lord Sri Hari on the day of Ekadashi, fasting and keeping awake in the night was absolutely perfect for the people in Kritha, Treta, Dwapara Yuga unlike Kaliyuga.  At this Kaliyuga, where there is no moral values, faith, devotion, dedication, inability to concentrate, poor memory and multiple illness etc... make difficult to follow the vrata as prescribed in the scriptures.  At least, avoiding meals made out of rice, moong dal, wheat flour, white flour, Barley, Lentil, Green Peas, Sesame oil and Mustard oil will keep the  Ekadashi Vrata with austerity.  The consumption of rice and the pulses on the day of Ekadashi brings the sins of Brahmahathya and the sin of killing Cow.  It is believed the sins of the above said take shelter in the grains and the probhibited pulses on these days.   The Ekadashi Vrata  also  known as the day of 'Upavasa' ( Upa + Vasam =  stay close to Lord), refraining from all other activities and engage in chanting and praising the glory of Sriman Narayana.  

Jai Sriman Narayana !! 


  1. Can you please render the Slokam - guror vachanam aushadham in any Indian language, such as Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada??

  2. Dear KVS, If I come across the sloka you were looking for I will definitely post it in my blog.
