Devi Puranam - Significance of Navaratri Vrutam !! Part III !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Jai Ambey Ma !!


The Chapter Twenty Seven in Devi Puranam, Maharishi Vyasa describes the significance of Navaratri Vratam to the King Janamejaya.



Susila was a poor merchant lived  in the city of Kosala, he was righteous and possessed all the virtues.  He had many children and dependents to look after.  He was in a pitiable state to meet  the daily needs of the family.   He became incapable to provide anything to wave off the hunger of his family members.  His life became totally distressed and miserable.  Though he had  to undergo   many sufferings, he did not give up any of  his virtues like honesty, kindness, worship of Lord...etc..



The days passed by, the  living conditions of Susila continued to be worse than before.  One day  Susila met a pious Brahmin and revealed his terrible state of living.  He disclosed his pitiful state of living, that he could not even provide a handful of food to   his children.  He is having many children, his daughter crossed her age of marriage and having no money to marry her off.  After listening to the awful living conditions of Susila, the Brahmin advised him to observe Navaratri Vrata for Prosperity, Happiness, knowledge and win over enemies and also enlighten him with the significance of Navaratri Vrata. 



The Brahmin narrated the story of Lord Sri Ramachandra's exile from His Kingdom Ayodhya.  Apparently,  Sita Devi  was abducted by the demon king Ravana with the help of his uncle Maricha.  The most dejected Lord Sri Rama observed Navaratri Vrata and worshipped Goddess with utmost faith and devotion.  As a result,   Lord Rama won over the demon King Ravana,  killed his sons and brother Kumbhakarana, eventually Sita Devi was released from Asoka Vatika.  Finally,  the demon king Vibhishana crowned as the Emperor of Lanka.  Lord Rama and Sita Devi returned to Ayodhya and lived happily for many years.


As per the instructions of the Brahmin, Susila observed the Navaratri Vrata with utmost austerity and worshipped Devi.  He performed sacrificial fire, observed fast during these days and invited Brahmins are served with food and alms.  On the eighth day of Ashtami thithi,  Devi appeared before him and offered several boons.    Susila bestowed with Prosperity, Health and Happiness due to his firm devotion towards Devi and the observance of Navaratri Vrata .


 Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


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