Devi Puranam !! Life of Lord Rama !!


Jai Sriman Narayana !!


 Jai Ambey Ma !!

The chapter Twenty Eight in Devi Puranam, Maharishi Veda Vyasa describes the life Lord Rama to the King Janamejaya.



The divine marriage of  four sons of King Darasaratha took place in the city of Mithala in a grand manner.  As the time passed by, King Darasatha felt the need  of the new heir to  the throne.  Obviously, Rama was selected as the heir to the throne - The Kingdom of Ayodhya.  The whole Ayodhya and its people heartily accepted and prepared to receive the  new King of Ayodhya.  At this point of time, a new twist to the story began at the palace. King Dasaratha met his wife Kaikeyi  and found her  totally different than her usual form.  The conflict between them  led  nowhere and   finally King Dasaratha had to bow down to her wishes.  Kaikeyi  placed her two conditions before the King, one was that her son Bharata should be appointed as the heir to the throne and Rama should be banished from Ayodhya for fourteen years.  Thus, Rama left Ayodhya with Lakshman and Sita as per the wish of His step mother.



Soon after His separation from Rama, the unexpected turn of events made King Dasaratha heart broken with grief and he took his last breath.  Rama along with Lakshman and Sita, continued their journey through the forests.  They  constructed a hermitage and continued to live in Panchavati.



One day, the youngest sister (shoorpanaga) of the demon king Ravana approached Rama enthused at his charisma.   Rama cut her nose and ears and made her disfigured.  This made a huge stir amongst the demon king,  Khara and Dooshana  went to fight against Rama.  Rama killed  both the demons.  Shoorpanaga approached her brother Ravana and illustrated the entire events to him.  The furious Ravana approached his uncle Maricha and they together made a wicked plan against Rama. 

Jai Ambey Ma !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!




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