Varaha Puranam - Kanthi Vrutham !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Varaha Puranam describes Kanti Vrutham to obtain  pleasing and charming Personality.

The austerity begins from the bright half of the month - Kartik and it continues for a year, on every second day of the following successive bright half months.   Worship of Lord Krishna along with Sri Balarama treated as part of austerity.  Strict fasting should be oberserved  during the day and fast can be broken at night by  consuming  meals made out of Barely-flour and   preferably  Kheer from the month Phalgun for another  three months.

Perfomance of sacrificial fire in the month of Margashirsha and Karthik,  offering rice and seasame in the sacrificial fire  are treated as part of it.  As a concluding part,  the idol of the worshipped deities of  Lord Krishna, Lord Balarama and Lord Moon  are donated to a Brahmin along with alms.  It is believed that by oberserving Kanti Vrutham the worshipper blessed with  the ever lasting youth and charming personality. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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