Agni Puranam - The description of Hell !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Agni Puranam describes the types of Hell and the punishment for the sins committed in one's life.   The undeniable Truth is that all living entities have to leave this Earth one day.  In the same manner, one has undergo the punishments for the sins committed in their life.  The good deeds and righteousness are naturally rewarded. 

It is believed that, one who leaves their mortal body is  taken by the Yamadoothas through the Western gate as a part of  the journey to the Abode of Lord Sriman Narayana/ Lord Shiva.  The evil-doers and sinners are taken  through the Southern gate  to the Abode of Lord Yama and propelled into Hell.

One who killed a Cow ( Go Hathya)  should spend one lakh years in the Hell named Mahavicha.  One who  committed Brahmahathya or engaged in stealing properties of  others  is propelled to the hell called Amakumbha and remains there till the end of the world.  One who murdered Women, Children or old people is propelled to the Hell called Rourava and  remains  there for  fourteen Manvatharas.  One who committed the sin of setting fire on someone is sent to  hell called - Maharourava/Karambavaluka and remains there for an entire Kalpa in the burning fire.  One who  had committed theft spends their life in the hell called Tamisra, where the Yamadootha pierces the sinner with spears for several Kalpas.  Finally, put into Mahatamisra  a place where  venomous snakes and insects live.  Killing of one's own parents takes them to the hell called Asipatravana, where their bodies are sliced down.  One who eats sweets without sharing is taken to the Hell called Kakaola where worms are fed to the sinner.  One who did not follow a righteous life, not  perform  any Yagna and rituals is  forced to drink blood in the hell called Kuttala.   Liars are  tormented in the Hell - Tailapaka and crushed like oilseeds.  There are several Hells for the sinners who commit  inter-caste marriages, those who eat meat, cut down trees, kill animals, those who criticise Gurus and Sacred scriptures and bears false witness.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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