Vijaya Ekadashi !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Lord Krishna explains to King Yudhishtira about the significance of Vijaya Ekadashi which falls on the Shukla Paksha in the month of Phalgun.

Lord Krishna speaks ' Oh King Yudhishtira - I am delighted to explain to you about the abundance of merits acquire by observing the Vijaya Ekadashi with utmost faith and devotion.  One who worships Lord Hari on this auspicious day would bring success in their all endeavor in their present life and in future births.   It also removes all the sins of the worshipper '.

Once, Maharishi Narada requested his father - Lord Brahma about the significance of Vijaya Ekadashi.  Lord Brahma replied to his Manasa Putra that whoever worships Lord Vishnu and fasts on this auspicious day of Vijaya Ekadashi ensures success all through their life.  Moreover, the sins committed in their life will vanish like cotton balls in the fire.  It provides the worshipper to attain Victory in their venture as its name indicates.


Lord Rama was exiled for fourteen years from his Kingdom Ayodhya.  He arrived at Panchavadi with his Brother Lakshman and His wife Sita Devi.  They lived in Panchavadi like any other ordinary human beings.  During this period, the Demon King Ravana abducted Sita Devi.  At this, Lord Rama was traumatized and he was felt powerless.  Lord Rama resumed his journey with his younger brother Lakshman, on his way he killed Kabandha, met Jadayu - The Pakshi Rajan (The King of the Birds -Eagle).  Jadayu was on the edge of his death explained all the truth about how Sita Devi was mercilessly abducted by the demon king Ravana.  Immediately after Jadayu took last breath and he got salvation at the Lotus feet of Lord Rama.  Later, Lord Rama had friendship with the Monkey King Sugriva.  Lord Rama constructed an army of Monkeys with the help of Sugriva.   The army consists of powerful warriors like Hanuman, Angadha, Nalan, Neelan and Jambavan and many more.  Lord Rama chosen Hanuman as a messenger to preceed to Lanka with His Anguleeyam (Ring) and he were entrusted with the job of safely hand it over to Sita Devi.  Hanuman had to face lot of hindrances on his way to Lanka, like Mainakam - The Mountain, Surasa - Nagamatha, Simhika - The demon, Lankini- who was the protector of Kingdom Lanka.  Finally, Hanuman located Sita Devi in Ashoka Vatika surrounded by the ogre featured Demons.  Hanuman described Sita Devi about the incidents happened in the life of Lord Rama in the absence of her and the friendship He had made with the Monkey King Sugriva.  Sita Devi realized Hanuman as the faithful servant of Lord Rama and handed her 'Choodamani' (an ornament which is used for decorating hair) to give to Lord Rama.  Hanuman as a truthful messanger illustrated what had happenned in Lanka to Lord Rama.

Lord Rama with the help of Monkey King Sugriva and his huge army arrived at the shores of Lanka to fight against the demon King Ravana.  He found that it was difficult to cross the vast ocean, the depth and the deadly animals in the deep ocean made them further helpless.  Lakshman consoled his brother with the information of Sage Bagadhalbya who was agreat scholar would help them to find a way out.  Sage Bagadhalbya was a wise an intellectual scholar who lived four miles away in an island.  As soon as they entered the hermitage of Sage Bagadhalbya, the Sage could visualise the Lord Sriman Narayana in Lord Rama.  He received them with utmost reverence.  Lord Rama described the Sage about his purpose to cross the deep ocean and reach the Kingdom of Ravana. 

Sage Bagadhalbya explains to Lord Rama about the glorious worship of Lord Vishnu on the auspicious day of Vijaya Ekadashi and the methods of worship as a resolution for the whole issue.  Sage continued to explain the process of worship of Lord Vishnu, on the previous day of Ekadashi a pitcher made of silver, gold, copper or mud should be kept ready filled with water and decorated with mango leaves on the top and covered with a lid.  The pitcher should be kept on the the top of rice grains.   After abulations, the pitcher should be decorated with sandal paste and flowers.  On the top of the lid of the Pitcher a small idol of Lord Vishnu should be placed and offerings of fruits should be made to Lord.  The whole day should be spent in chanting the names and glories of Lord Vishnu, follow fasting and abstaining from sleep and keep awake in the night.

On the Ekadashi day, after abulations and worship of Lord Vishnu by offering fruits, incents, flowers, ghee lamp, Bhog, abstain from sleep and worship of Lord Vishnu should be carried out faithfully.  On the Dwadashi day, after abulations the pitcher along with all the offerings made to Lord is taken to the river side.  After prayers the offerings in the form of Fruits & Bhog along with the idol of Lord Vishnu and the pitcher should be donated to a righteous Brahmin.  Sage Bagadhalbya explained to Lord Rama that by observing Vijaya Ekadashi would yield him and his warriors to attain success in all their endeavors.

Lord Rama observed the Vijaya Ekadashi as instructed by Sage Bagadhalbya with utmost faith and devotion.  Consequently he conquered the vast Kingdom of Lanka and killed Ravana and his demon army. 

Lord Krishna continued, whoever listens or reads the glories of Vijaya Ekadashi would attains the merit of Ashwamedha Yagam and whoever observes it would get rid of all the sins committed and attain the Lotus feet of Sriman Narayana.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


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