A Tribute to Sri Purandara Dasa !! Part IV !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

One Friday, Cheenappa Naikkar was in his shop waiting for a potential customer.  His mind was telling him that  the day is going to be a good  and he would make more money out of his business.   Suddenly,  His eyes fell on a poor Brahmin chanting Rama Nama.  It was very clear from the Brahmin's appearance  that he was not going to be a customer at all.  He was a weary, thin  Brahmin in a ragged clothes .    Naikkar got disappointed to see the Brahmin.  He was expecting some prospective customer from a  rich and royal family.    The poor Brahmin slowly walked towards Cheenappa Naikkar’s shop and continued chanting Rama Nama.  Naikkar was surprised to see the poor brahmin,  as beggars usually never come to him because they know that he would not offer any alms to them. This was the first time a poor Brahmin was approaching him boldly.   Immediately after seeing the Brahmin,  Naikkar started pouring harsh words  and screamed at him to leave the spot.  Without paying any attention to Naikkar, the poor old Brahmin started to undo the knot in his Dhoti.  He spent a good time to open the small knot in his dhoti.  Naikkar got irritated at the Brahmin and continued yelling at him.  Does it make any difference to him? He slowly opened the knot and Naikkar looked into it with his greedy eyes.  He was expecting something valuable from the knot.  Finally, the Brahmin took a few ‘yellow rice’ (Akshadha) from the knot and put it on Cheenappa Naikkar chanting a few Mantras.    The Brahmin slowly with his weak voice requested Naikkar to give him some money as alms for his daughter who was going to get married and his son who was going to have Upanayanam.  At this, Naikkar's rage had no limits .   He replied aggresively at the Brahmin that he would not provide a single penny.  He asked him to leave the place immediately.  The poor Brahmin was unwilling to move even a single step.  He was anxiously waiting to get some alms from Naikkar.  He continued to burden Naikkar with his pathetic story. 

The Brahmin explained to Naikkar about the merits He would achieve from the charity.  He explained: Ten Go (cow) dhanam is equal to One Vrushaba Dhanam.  1 Ashwa( horse) dhanam is equal to  Ten Vrushaba Dhanam  ,10 Ashwa( horse) dhanam is equal to One Hastha (Elephant) Dhanam, Ten Hastha Dhanam is equal to One Yagam,  performing One Kanya Dhanam is equal to One Yagam, giving water to a thirsty person brings abundance of merits.   The Brahmin explained about all the righteousness.  Naikkar was least interested to listen to him.  Their arguments continued for sometime.  Naikkar firmly said that  he did not offer alms due to the adamant nature of the him .  The Brahmin also replied back that he was not going to move out unless and until he received any alms from Naikkar.  The wildly raged Naikkar ordered his servants to beat up the Brahmin and make him flee as soon as possible.   

The servants of Naikkar handled the old man harshly and  left him bleeding.  The pain struck Poor Old Brahmin yelled “Vasudeva”  and walked away with the bleeding  injuries unsteadily ....

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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