Narada Puranam - King Bhagiratha - Consensus of Sins - Origin of Holy River Ganga !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

In Narada Puranam, Lord Yama explains to King Bhagiratha about the sins and consensus of the same.  Some of the sins have no Prayashchitha at all.

Lord Yama continues, The Idol of Lord Vishnu/ Lord Shiva should not be worshipped by women / Shudras.  Even the Brahma Hathya (Killing of a Brahmin) Sin can be got rid through severe penance, but there is no Prayaschitha for the sins of one who hates Brahmins, Who criticises Sacred Vedas, Holy Scriptures and Scholars of the same. 

Once the sinners undergo the punishments in the Hell according to the sins committed, they take rebirth in the Earth once again.  One who commits severe sins like discarding sacred Scriptures and Vedas take re-birth in the Earth in order of  Tree, Worm, Snakes, Animal and finally as a poor brahmin.  Sinners have to spend their 7 lives as Donkeys, 10 lives as Dogs and Pigs, 100 lives of Worms, 100 lives of rats and 12 lives of Snakes.  The sins follow for another 1000 lives as deer and Cow.  The sinner has to continue  the journey of living life of  7 lives as Chandala (Outcasted one), 16 lives of Shudras, 2 lives of Kshatriyas, 2 lives of Vaishyas and at last , born as a poor Brahmin of ill health.

Lord Yama insists the devotion to Lord Vishnu and it derives out of the Gunas (Rajass, Tamass and Swatik) of an individual.   The types of devotees of Lord  are  Adhama - one who worships Lord entirely for material benefit out of unlimited desires, Madhyama - one who worships Lord with an intention to get Fame in all his deeds and  Uthama - The Superior amongst all, one who worships Lord to get rid of illusions (Maya - Mamakaram, Ahangaram) and attains Salvation.  The third one (Uthama ) is the dearest to Lord.   Such kind of worship is possible only when one attains God-Realisation.  A heartfelt union with God is possible only through the  realisation of Presence of Lord in Everything in the Universe.

Lord Yama concluded with Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu are same and one should not  differentiate them at any circumstances.

Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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