Narada Puranam - King Bhagiratha/ Righteousness/ The Origin of Holy River Ganga !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Narada Puranam describes the Origin of Holy river Ganga.

There was a King named Bhagiratha who was righteous, Truthful, Charming and ruled his kingdom wisely for the welfare of the people.  Lord Yama attracted by the righteousness and goodness of the King, paid a visit to his Palace.

King Bhagiratha received Lord Yama with utmost respect and paid obeisance to Him.  The King requested Lord Yama to explain about Righteousness, Sins and what will happen to sinners at the end etc..

Lord Yama narrated about the good deeds which bring merits.  Those who donate (donation includes cattle and land) and give alms to Brahmins, dig Ponds and maintain the same , construction and renovating the temples of Lord Shiva & Lord Vishnu -  temples made of gold.  The temples made out of Copper, crystal, stones and bricks are also capable to bring merits. Establishing Gardens and maintaining the same, planting of Basil tree and wearing of basil leaves, Performance of Abhisheka during Krishna Paksha or Shukla Paksha on an auspicious day  to  Lord Vishnu's Idol  or Lord Shiva's Idol with milk or butter, tender coconut water, Sugarcane Juices or the least with pure water brings the merit of Vaikundha Loka and Shiva Loka respectively.  Some of the auspicious days are Panchami, Ashtami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Tryodashi, Chathurdashi (Shukla Paksha) and during the times of Solar and Lunar eclipses.

Offering food  and Water for a hungry person and quenching his thirst is the most rewarding deed. Treating guests with honour and respect, providing them food and shelter also brings merits.  Donation of Fruits, butter, milk,  curd, sugar-cane, honey, fragrant objects,   Flowers, Gold, jewellery and precious stones and the Donation of Idols of Lord Vishnu (Salagrama) and Lord Shiva (Lingas) are also capable to bring abundance of merits.  Among all of the above - Sharing of Knowledge is treated as highly rewarding.  The righteous people with the constant remembrance of Lord, who have less interest in Food, Sleep and material things attain God-realisation.   They serve Guru, Brahmins and guests with  great respect and associate with the righteous people.

Will be continued.........

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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