Narada Puranam - King Bhagiratha/ The sins / Origin of holy river Ganga !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Varaha Puranam describes the conversation between King Bhagiratha and Lord Yama about Righteousness and Sins.  Lord Yama explains about the sins and Types of Hell.

Lord Yama continues to narrate about the types of Hell a sinner has to undergo after death.  They are Tapana, Valkakumbha, Rourava, Maharourava, Kum-bhipaka, Nirucchavasa, Kalasutra, Pramaradana, Bhishana, Asipatravana, Lalabhakshya, Himothkata, Mrishavastha, Vasakupa, Shvabha-kshya, Mutrapana, Purishahrada, Taptashula, Taptashila, Shalmali-druma, Shonitakupa and Shonitabhojana.

The sinners have to suffer punishments according to the sins they had committed.  Some may eat their own flesh, some may burn their fleshes, throwing weapons and stones on the sinners,etc...  Sinners have to spend in extreme hot conditions or cold, they were fed with molten iron and were hanged upside down.  The worms feed on their body.  The sinners were forced to  lie on the burning coal or hurled down from the mountains.  The sinners are beaten up to death by the servants or Lord Yama and their body was chopped down or bitten by venom snakes.  The scorpion scrawl on the bodies of the sinners, Jackals and lions eat the  meat of the sinners.  The punishments and miseries in the Hell are indescribable  and is terrible to explain each of them in detail.

Lord Yama explains about the types of sins and they are Brahmahathya (killing of a Brahmin), Drinking intoxicated drinks, stealing Jewels and precious things, Criticism of Brahmin, elders, scholars etc..committing  crime, keeping away from promises, Ego, one who explains Sastras and Puranas without any knowledge, One who manipulates things in the field of astrology and medicine, consuming meals offered by a  Shudra, Lying, Jealousy, Pride and association with the people who commit sins. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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