Makara Sankrathi/Utharayana Punyakalam !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!


Makara Sankrathi/Utharayana Punyakalam is movement of Sun from Dakshinayana to Utharayana, movement of Sun from Tropic of Cancer to Capricorn.  In Tamil Nadu this day is celebrated as 'Pongal'.  In the states of Punjab & Haryana it is known as Lohri Festival.  In Assam it is celebrated as 'Bhigu'.  Six months of Utharayana Punyakalam is a day for the deities and Six months of Dakshinayanam is treated as one night.  Whoever leaves the mortal body during the Utharanaya Punyakalam attains moksha in the Lotus Feet of Sriman Narayana.  Likewise, whoever leaves their mortal body during the period of Dakshinayanam has to take birth again and again in this world. 


Bhishma Pitamaha had a boon to leave this world as and when he desires for it.  At the end of the Great War of Mahabharata, Bhishma Pitamaha while lying on the bed of Arrows advised King Yudhishtira 'Vishnu Sahasranama', thousand sacred names of Lord Vishnu.  He did not want to leave this world of Samsara during the Dhakshinayana, waited for the Sun to move to Utharayana Punyakalam and attained the Abode of Lord Vishnu. 


There are a few more significant events linked to this day of Utharayana Punyakalam.  It is believed that Yasoda Mai underwent austerities on this day to attain Lord Krishna as her son.  King Bhagiratha brought the holy river Ganga on this earth on this propitious day, eventually brought back the life of his cousins from death.  On this day holy dip in the early hours of dawn, offering charity and alms on this day brings abundance of devoutness and  bathing in the Punyakala of Kartik Pournami, Magh Pournami, Ganga Dussehra, Moni Amavasya are equally auspicious and are capable to bring all the virtues. 

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the good information, which many people dont know.
