Agni Puranam - Yama Gita !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Agni Puranam describes the essence of  'Yama Gita'. Lord Yama describes the nature of 'Atman' to Nachiketa - son of King Vajashrava.

The King Vajashrava conducted a Yagna in a grand manner.  In this Yagna, he gave away all his wealth as alms.  His son Nachiketa enquired his father after seeing him giving away each and everything he possessed. Nachiketa enquired his father ' Whom did I go with?'.  King Vajashrava with a lot of irritation replied that he had given away his son to Lord Yama.   

Nachiketa left the palace to keep up his father's promise.  He went in search of Lord Yama's Abode and the path was so harsh.  He continued his journey for three days but  he could not find the servants of Lord Yama.  Finally, Lord Yama pleased with Nachiketa's faithful attitude, offered him a boon to return to Earth.   Nachiketa humbly refused the boon and expressed his desire to know the True nature of 'Atman'/ 'Brahman'.  Lord Yama explained the True Nature of 'Brahman'/Atman to Nachiketa known as 'Yama Gita'.

Lord Yama says that human nature was craving for possession of materials as well as immaterial  - wealth and sensual pleasures .  The learned and sages had clearly mentioned that momentary pleasures will not last forever so one should not get addicted to the pleasures of senses. 

Lord Yama explains about Brahmam which possesses everything but nothing.  It is omnipresent but it cannot be seen.  The Atman is a warrior on the chariot of the Physical body while the mind and intelligence is the Charioteer.  The senses are the five horses and the duty of the warrior is to bring control over the senses and aim the arrow at the knowledge about 'Brahmam'.  The learned knows the identity of 'Atman'/Brahmam' and the liason between them known as a 'Samadhi' - Tranquility.  Once the Atman is freed from the body, it emerges with 'Brahmam'.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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