Gita Jayanthi on 18 th December, 2010 !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Radhey Krishna !!

Om Parthaya Prathibodhitham Bagavatha Narayanena Swayam
Vyasena Grathitham Purana Munina Madhye Mahabaratham
Adhwaidhamrutha Varshineem Bagavatheem Ashtadhashadyayineem
Amba Thwamanu Sandhadhami Bagavath Geethey Bavadhweshineem

Yam Brahma Varunedra Rudra Marutha: Sthunvanthi Divyai: Sthavai:
Vedhai: Sanga Padha Kramopanishadhai: Gayanthi Yam Samga:
Dhyana Vasthitha Thathgathena Manasa Pashyanthi Yam Yogino
Yasyantham Na Vidhu: Sura Suragana: Devaya Thasmai Nama:
Devaya Thasmai Nama: Devaya Thasmai Nama:

Margashirsha Sukla Paksha Dwadashi - falls on 18th of December, 2010.  The day is widely celebrated  as Gita Jayanthi.  According to Hindu Puranas, it is believed to be the origin of Srimad Bhagavad Gita that took place on this day - The Great Teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna at Dharmashetram known as Kurushetra.

The origin of Srimad Bhagavad Gita took place six thousand years ago during the Kurushetra War between the Pandavas and the Kauravas.   Srimad Bhagavad Gita contains 700 verses in eighteen chapters.   Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna the importance of Karma and reveals the Eternal Truth -  He is the Effect and  Cause. 

In the First Chapter - Arjuna Vishadha Yoga - In the dharmakshetram - Kurushetra, the Pandavas and Kauravas with their warriors assembled in the great war field.  On the Pandavas' side was Lord Krishna - The Charioteer with limited warriors.  Arjuna blew the conch - Devadatta as the beginning of the battle.  Arjuna requested his Charioteer - Lord Krishna to place the Chariot in a place where he could visualise the warriors of the Kauravas.  Arjuna was bewildered to see the great warriors of Kauravas His opponents were his fathers, grand fathers, Bhishma Pitamaha, Uncles, Teachers, Grandsons, Relatives and Comrades.  After seeing his own people, Arjuna got into a distressed state.  He was in a dilemma to kill his own people for the Kingdom and for pleasure.  He wanted to withdraw himself from the scene. He lost all the enthusiasm to fight against the enemies and his bow slipped down.

The Second Chapter - Sangya Yoga - In this chapter Lord Krishna begins to speak.  After seeing the dejected state of Arjuna, Krishna advices him to leave the attachment towards everyone and follow the Karma, that is fight for the right share in the Kingdom of Hastinapur.  Helpless Arjuna completely surrenders to the Lord seeking wise advice.  Lord Krishna explains, Atman is eternal and the body is perishable.  Atman never dies.  Krishna invoked Arjuna to fight without expecting any results.  One should not be concerned about the fruit of action, Victory or Defeat, Gain or Loss, it is the Paramathma who decides.  One should act with a balanced mind and remain calm in extreme cold or Heat,  Pain or Pleasure and Krishna prompts Arjuna to do his duty.  

The Third Chapter - Karma Yoga - In this chapter, Krishna explains the importance of Karma.  No one can stay without any action.  Krishna compells Arjuna to follow his duty without any action.  Krishna explains about the Kinga Janaka.  Though he attained the epitome of wisdom and  realisation, he did not stop his responsibility to perform as a King.  Krishna advices Arjuna that, the Prakriti (Nature) is made up of Rajass, Tamass, Swatik Gunas.  Atman is Sudhha Swatik, least affected by the three Gunas.  Krishna advices Arjuna to do his duties without any attachments.   Krishna reveals the truth that  desires  are the root causes of  all the evils.

The Fourth Chapter - Jyana Karma Sanyasa Yoga - Krishna declares the Truth that whenever evils take place, He will be born again and again to re-establish the righteousness in this Universe in order to bring Peace and Harmony.  A Liberated man is free from all kinds of attachments .He stay always calm and serene though engaged in action.  He is least affected by success and failure, joy and grief.   One attains true union with the Paramathma when he is free form Anger, Jealousy, Ego, Pride and free from attachements.  It has become possible only with the thorough knowledge. Through the Various kinds of sacrifices without the fruit of action, the heart is purified which  leads the way to Paramatma.  Krishna explains the Acharayan (Guru) who attained the realisation can only take the Jeevathma to Paramathma.  With ustmost dedication and devotion to Guru, who himself the manifestion of Lord can only save from the ignorance and delusion.  The divine wisdom burns all the sins like fuel in fire.  The ultimate Faith - In the  Paramathman - Lord takes away all the ignorance.  The intellectual knowledge is  not the only one which provide liberation.  Self- control, intense devotion, faith and true knowledge liberates man from worldly bondages.  With the guidance of Acharyan (Guru), by following the instructions of Guru,  by rendering sincere service to Guru, the dedication and devotion grows with steady pace.

The Fifth Chapter - Karma Sanyasa Yoga - In this chapter Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna about the self- less action which purifies the soul - Atman.  Arjuna was not  fully convinced of Lord Krishna throughout the entire episode of His teachings.  Krishna assertively describes the importance of Karma yogi who is always active, who is dedicates all his actions to the Lord.  He abandons all the attachments and desires, whose heart is purified and completely surrenders to Lord.  These kind of actions lead to no birth in the Samsara ( in the material world).  One who is free from ego, anger, pride, jealousy and free from all worldly bondages realises the 'Brahmam' absolute peace.  Krishna describes the importance of 'Pranayama' which brings control over the senses (Govinda).  Through the 'Pranayama' and control over the senses, one is free from all the desires and attains 'Realisation' 'Absolute Bliss'.

The Sixth Chapter - Dhyana Yoga - In this chapter Lord Krishna emphasises the importance of retrieval from the 'Desires'.  The Yogis and Sanyasins  who are freed from fruit of action and desires,  the absence of these two elements purifies the soul.  The desires and imaginations leads to Action.  The lower impulses of the body, mind and senses should  be dominated by the 'Realisation of God'.  To bring perfect harmony in whatever he sees, one should realise the existence of ' God' in All and in Everything.  No difference of friends and enemies, righteous and non-righteous.  Lord Krishna defines the importance of Meditation to bring balance of mind thereby bringing peace and tranquility.  Meditation is the practice in which one should select a  secluded place without any disturbance.  Krishna explains the meditating posture by keeping Head, neck and  spine in erect posture and the mind fixed to 'Paramathma' with utmost concentration.  The purity of body  (free from worldly pleasures), fearlessness of mind, the  eternal faith in 'Paramathma',  is essential for the success in meditation.  One should live a life of a moderate, by bringing proper limits in Sleep, Food and Recreations.  Realisation of God is possible by drawing perfect lines between the material life and the spiritual life in Search of Paramathma.  Sanyasins and Yogis are grown out of pleasures and worldly bondages, who realised the 'Atman' perfectly by bringing perfection Union with the 'Paramathma' - 'The Supreme Lord'.

The Seventh chapter - Jyana Vijyana Yoga -  In this chapter Lord Krishna explains the Five elements of Prakrithi (Nature).  Krishna reveals the eternal Truth that He is the Effect, He is the Cause, He is the Essence, He is the Substance and He is Everything in this Universe.  The three Gunas - Rajass, Tamass, and Swatik overrule with the influence of 'Maya' - Delusion, which can be eradicated with the Grace of Lord. Krishna explains the categories of devotees.  Some prefer to have material benefits (Wealth and Money) and the wise who prefer 'Salvation' (Moksham) approaches Lord with Pure Love.  The ultimate goal is the Lord Himself.   Lord prefers the second category as the dearest one, who will have no birth again in this material world.

The Eight Chapter - Akshara Brahma Yoga - Lord Krishna explains the 'Realisation of God' which brings 'Absolute Bliss' and no rebirth in the world of Pain and Sufferings.  Through the Pure Love to Lord, everything becomes auspicious.  With the continuous thinking of Lord, deep devotion, regular mediation, constant communion with the Lord at all times and places, circumstances and situations, everything can be turned out the most auspicious and blessed.  This is the practice to attain the Grace of Lord.  Krishna reveals the existence of Him in each and everything in the Universe.  And the very existence of Lord in individual souls.  The meticulous prayers and rememberings of the Lord constantly through Sadhana (Practice) makes one's life blessed with keeping away from re - birth in the material world of Pain and Sufferings.

The Ninth Chapter - Raja Vidhya Raja Guhya Yoga - In this chapter Lord Krishna explains the importance of Faith.  Krishna reveals the absolute Truth of  His Creation of the entire Universe, Preservation and the final absorption of the Universe.  Again the cycles of Creation , Preservation and dissolution repeats.  Who are unaware of the eternal truth are certain to take birth again and again in this material world.  In the tree processes of Creation, Preservation and Deluge, the Paramathma witnesses with complete silence, unaffected and unattached.  Krishna reveals the existence of 'Paramathma', He Himself  in all creatures.  Krishna emphasizes the practice of fixing the mind, body and soul, actions, emotions, will, everything  by surrendering to The Supreme Lord.  The pure love and devotion of the devotees goes to the Lord.  They are freed from all the worldly bondages.

Will be continued..................

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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