Gita Jayanthi Celebration !! Chapter Ten !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Om Namo Bagavathey Vasudevaya !!

The Tenth Chapter - Viboothi Yoga: - The most compassionate Lord Krishna encourages Arjuna from his state of rejection of doing his Karma.  Krishna expresses the truth that, even the deities and great sages are unaware of His origin.  He is the origin of Cause and Effect.  The qualities of Wisdom, Intelligence, Fame, contentment, austerity, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Happiness and Sorrow,  Death and Birth,  Fear and Fearlessness begins from Him.  The Saptharishis and Manus were born from Lord Krishna, as a result of their austerities to the Lord.  Who understands the Truth of Him as sources of everything, surrender to Him.  Who surrenders to Him with Pure Love, dedication and devotion will obtain the Grace of Lord.  With the Grace of Lord, the ignorance destroys and the light of wisdom awakens. 

Krishna continues his life - giving nectar like speech, He is one among the twelve Adityas, He is one among the moon,  He is one among the Maruth Ganas -Marichi,  He is One among the Four Vedas - Sama Veda, He is Vasava among the Deities, Among the five senses - He is the mind,  which restores intelligence.  He is Shankara - among the Rudras,  He is  Kubera among the   Rakshasas and Yakshas,  He is Pavaka amongst Vasu, He is Meru among the Sapthagiris.  Among the Rajagurus He is Brihaspathi, He is Skanda among the Army Generals, He is the Ocean.  He is Brigu among the Great Sages, Among the sounds He is The Om, Among sacrifices He is the sacrifice of Silent repititor.  He is the Himalayas. He is the Peepal tree among the Trees, He is Narada among the Saptharishis , He is Chitrarathas among the Gandharvas,  He is Kapila among the sages, He is Ucchaisravas, He is Airavatha, He is thunderbolt among the weapons and He is Surabhi - Kamadhenu, He is the God of Love, He is Vasuki among the serpents, He is Anantha, Varuna, Aryaman, and Yama.  He is Prahlada, He is Garuda among the birds, He is the Lion among the beasts.  He is the Wind, He is Rama among the Great Warriors.  He is Ganges among the great rivers, He is the Shark among the fishes.  He dwells in the feminine qualities of Kshama (patience), Fame, Intelligence, Memory, Firmness, Forgiveness and prosperity.   He is Brihasaman among the hymns, He is Gayatri, He is Margashirsha among the months,  He is the flowery season.  He is the Superior among the Splendour, Goodness and determination and He is Victory. He is Vasudeva among the Vrishnis, He is Arjuna among the Pandavas, He is Veda Vyasa among the Sages, He is Ushana among the poets.  Finally, Nothing can exist, whether its Movable or Immovable without Him.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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