Goddess Sri Parvati Thirukalyanam Part I - Shiva Puranam !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!
Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!





Kara Charana Krutham Vak Kayajam Karmajam Va
Sravana Nayanajam Va Manasam Va Aparadham
Vihitham Avihitham Va Sarvamethath Kshamaswa
Jaya Jaya Karunabdhey Sri Mahadeva Sambo




Shiva Puranam describes Goddess Parvati's severe penance worshipping Lord Shiva and the divine marriage of the celestial couple.



Goddess Parvati was born to King Himavan and Menavathi.  Years passed by Parvati grown into a beautiful young maiden.  Maharishi Narada advised her to undergo severe austerities to attain Lord Shiva as her husband also narrated the significances and methods to please the Lord.  Therefore, Goddess Parvati obtained permission from her parents; leaving all the comforts and luxuries she underwent severe austerities.



As an initial method of penance she gave up all the royal attire and ornaments to deer skin and continued penance at Gourishikhara/Gouri Kund in the Himalayas where the meditation was an extremely difficult task to perform.  She undertook meditation underneath the water during the winter and during the monsoon she sat on the ground, in this way she continued penance for several years.  The wild beasts were dared to reach her due to the powerful rays emitted from her penance.  All the deities and Rishis were assembled to watch her penance and they also prayed to Lord Shiva to show compassion on her.


Lord Shiva disguised as an old Brahmin and arrived at the hermitage of Goddess Sri Parvati. Parvati received the old Brahmin with all reverence and paid obeisance.  She served the Brahmin with flowers and fruits. The Brahmin enquired the reason for her meditation under the extreme weather conditions in Himalayas.  Goddess Parvati revealed her wish to get Lord Shiva as her husband. The Brahmin started verbally abusing Lord Shiva; it was her foolish thought to marry him in the first place.   He insisted her to marry any other deities such as Lord Indra or anybody else instead of Lord Shiva.  The Brahmin criticized the physical features of Lord that he has three eyes and five faces. He was adapted to snakes around neck, he has no affluence to take care of her, he smears ashes all over the body and he has matted hair locks, he wanders around on an old bull, he has ghosts and spirits as warriors and finally he has no knowledge about his parents.  He prefers to reside in the funeral grounds and he has a bluish throat contains Halakala poison.   Finally he added that Parvati has been wasting her life to marry such a deity.



Goddess Sri Parvati was mounted with anger at the remarks of Brahmin and cursed the Brahmin, regretted for receiving him with great honor.  She stated that Lord Shiva is the one who she has chosen to be wedded in all her life.  She was not willing to comment anything more about it and left the place abruptly.



Lord Shiva assumed his own very captivating form and asked Goddess Sri Parvati not to leave the place. Goddess Parvati was astonished to see Lord Shiva in place of old Brahmin, Lord insisted her to ask for a boon.   Goddess Sri Parvati exposed her long cherished desire to marry him with all the rituals as prescribed in the Sastra & Puranas.   Eventually Lord Shiva was agreed to Goddess Sri Parvati.


Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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