Vishnu Puranam - Kali Yuga !!

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

Vishnu Puranam describes the Kaliyuga as follows:

During the period of Kali,  no one follows Varnashrama Dharma.  The disbelief in rituals and customs takes place.  The relationship with the Acharya (Guru) lessens to a large extend and gives no importance at all.  People become more materialistic and will be ready to adopt any meanest way to attain  wealth.  Women folks are interested only in 'hairdo'.  People will become more selfish and mean in fulfilling their desires.  The guests will not be entertained and properly taken care of (beware !!). Money earned in evil means are spent for one's comforts and luxuries, still yearns for money and feels dissatisfied.

No one follows the simplest way of living such as bathing before meal.  All the Varnas follow the lifestyle of Shudras.  Worship of Lord will not take place. Human Life span will be reduced to Twenty, at the early age of 12, children had to undergo the sign of old age.  The human physical growth will be reduced.  Women folks do not follow the instructions of their husbands.  The Kings will not take care of the Kingdom, instead he makes the life of the people miserable by imposing Taxes. Evil takes its own bizarre form.

The only one positive thing left to save us at this age of Kali, that is 'Nama Sankeerthanam' 'Chanting the names of Lord' and listening to 'Divya Nama Sankeerthanam'.   With little Tapasya - a day's Tapasya does wonders in life.  During the previous Yugas such as Sathya Yuga,Treta Yuga and Dwapara Yuga lot of Thapasyas and Sacrifices have to be done in order to acquire Blessings from the Lord.  Ten years Tapasya in Sathya Yuga, One year Tapasya in Treta Yuga,  One month Tapasya in Dwapara Yuga is equal to One day's Tapasya in Kali Yuga.

Women folks are really fortunate in acquiring the Blessings of the Lord, by serving their husbands.  Men  have to follow all the righteousness to acquire any Blessings.

Jai Sriman Narayana !!

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